Monday, March 26, 2012


This last Saturday Kevin and I attended a parent symposium. I love self help books and classes. As our kids are getting older I'm having a harder time knowing how to discipline. It's a lot easier when they are little. Anywho...we went to a class where the teacher, an institute teacher, showed this clip. 
 After a good laugh, he mentioned that this is what we want to do for our kids.  Protect them from the worldly trials or pains that come their way.
 It got me thinking about our Heavenly parents. I'm sure they want to come and protect us but that would mess up the plan. Just as we have to let our children face their trials and learn from them so must our Heavenly parents let us grow by our earthly experiences.
We received a free book called the Powers of Positive Parenting. I had borrowed this from my friend years ago and found it very informative. I can't wait to read it again and work on being more positive in my comments instead of negative. Even if I can't find anything nice to say except "Good breathing son."  :)

We also went to a marital relationship class. I love Kevin and I'm so proud of all he does. He is a great Father and husband. I'm going to work harder at complimenting and showing him that I appreciate all that he does. One thing that the speaker showed was a comment made at a therapy session. This came from the husband, "Why should I tell her Thank you for dinner when I've worked all day and I don't ever get thanked for it."
That comment hit me hard. I don't know if I ever verbally tell Kevin how much I appreciate that he works so I can stay home with the kids.
I don't necessarily expect a thank you for preparing a meal but he usually says it. I'm so spoiled with him! He is so wonderful.  My goal is to try even harder to be worthy of this wonderful man I'm blessed to share eternity with.


Lena Baron said...

Many great thoughts! Thanks! Glad you got to go!

Shanell said...

I love that book! I agree with you about kids getting older. When they were younger I had a system but they are getting older and we are constantly on new ground. Can't wait for the teen years, how about you?

Heather K. said...

I have had to make a conscious effort to remember to tell Frank thank you for the things that he does. I forget sometimes so I need to be thanks for the reminder!