Thursday, April 4, 2013

Loosing my Mind!

I'm pretty sure that has been the header to another post. This week the kids are on Spring Break. Schedules are different right? Well I felt things were going smoothly till I totally SPACED taking three of the kids to their piano lessons. We went to Baby Animal day and it didn't even come to mind till we were home and Danika mentioned something about it. I felt like it was run run run all day. Playing at the Sports Academy, Home, Shower, Storytime at Library (I remembered somethings), Home, Lunch, Meet with a friends in Smithfield, Baby Animal Days, Home, Eat, Scouts, Visiting Teaching, Home, Laundry etc...... BREATH. Well I don't think the kids mind that they missed out on lessons but I mind (I pay for them he he).
Well here are a few pictures of recent happenings:

                        We met the Easter bunny at Lee's. 
I was so happy that Jonathan liked him. He gave him a hug and a high five. As you can tell from the sun in their eyes it was a beautiful day. The weather has been perfect, I LOVE SPRING!
Our Neighbor Marissa came with us to Baby Animal Day which helped me out a lot. She took more pictures with her phone but I did get a couple.
I think the baby turtles were the kids favorites. The baby bears were cute too.

Here's hoping I don't loose my mind anymore this week.


Shannon said...

I know how you feel!!!

Jessica Jensen said...

I think that is what happens when we are off our normal schedules... at least it happens that way at this house. Looks like you made a lot of great memories last week :)