Sunday, February 2, 2014


Andrew got his arrow of light. His awesome Webelos leader (not the one pictured) made him this awesome sign. I'm still surprised he's in 11 year old scouts now.  He got his Webelos badge in December. Luke will receive his wolf this a month. With four boys, scouts will be a big part of life.
 Ya know how it's hard to get a moments of peace as a mom? It's not only kids that need me while in the bathroom. Yeesh ha ha


Nat said...

Ha ha ha! Congratulations to Andrew! That's awesome! Yes, with all those boys, get ready for a lifetime of servitude in BSA!! Clint is in the YM Presidency and is the Scoutmaster. I just got called back into Scouts as the Bears Leader. We've already served as Cubmasters for 6 years. Good times! :)

Anonymous said...

Flare is so cute, but, she can get annoying when following you around like a lost puppy. :D