Mommies are not suppose to get sick! Thankfully Danika has been a big help but there's only so much an 8 year old can do. I think I'm on the mend, but let me just say I've learned a few things:
1. Trying to make lunch for kids and just spending your time by the sink throwing up is not fun!!!
2. An 8 year old feeding a 8 month old can get really messy.
3. The once cursed contraptions of TV, Game cube, and Computer games are now revered.
4. No matter how hard I think about it, the gardening, cleaning, laundry, and dishes will not get done.
5. Neighbors who bring over dinner to a family who otherwise would have had to fend for themselves is AWESOME!!! Bless you Shelly.
6. My floors are much dirtier close up.
7. This one shocked me. Ice cream doesn't always sound good.
8. My abs feel like I've been working them for two hours!
9. Not recommended but I'm sure I've lost five pounds!