Do you ever feel like you can never accomplish what you want to? I have so many things running through my mind that I want to do but I can't manage to do them all. One of those is checking Facebook comments. There are to takes so long. I also like to comment and check everyones posts on their blogs. There's just not enough time. I think it's time I prioritize. I've started just going on Facebook to wish friends Happy Birthday and then logging off, that has helped. So I may not be on to check blogs as much. I do love to see what everyone is up to but it does take so much time away from my kids. As I'm typing this poor Jacob has asked for a drink and what do I say "Just a minute."
Just wishing I had more time to do more.
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
You are not alone Dear Sister!!! I have to do the same thing. I cut out Facebook all together except for family related things and if I have to get in touch with friends or family that I don't have emails for. In my opinion YOUR blog is the highest priority. It is part of your family record. Otherwise, none of us really matter too much;) J/K I LOVE to hear from you when you get the chance. But understand that we're all just trying to keep it all together. Good Luck! You've been in my thoughts... Take Care!
Since I cut FB out of my day....I have felt so much less stress.
I decided that I will start getting on FB once a week, just to stay in touch when we move.
I hope that will work.
Good luck. Managing a household is a lot of work...let alone take care of the kids!!!
I also understand! I cut FB too and I only check friend's blogs once or twice a month or so. I check my sister's daily but not all the others. I still get on the computer too much, but I've gotten better.
it goes in phases for me... sometimes you do what you gotta do :)
I think its a battle for everyone! When I deleted my FB account a few months ago (for different reasons though) I felt so much better! The world we live in just keeps us almost too connected, but that's my opinion. Frank had a phone where FB updates would show on the main screen of his phone and I thought "no way, I don't want to be that connected to see what people are doing each time I turn on my phone". Even though these things are nice to have, I will admit, I think Satan also has a hand in it because things like that can tear families apart so they are not as close.
I should set myself a limit too and only get on a certain day of the week and for a certain time and call it good! :) You're a good example! Hope everything is going goo with the new little one!
oh my goodness. i just linked to you from kristi rowley's blog and it amazes me how the Lord allows us to experience security in our effort to make right choices. i recently deactivated my facebook account because i loved it. i loved seeing and chatting with friends far away but found myself saying "not now...just a minute" and being frustrated with a messy house. i miss my friends but apparently it's okay to tell goodbye for awhile so i can be a good mom too. thank you for your example. glad i took time to blog lurk tonight...after bedtime and my husband sacked in the recliner of course!
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