Friday, February 10, 2012

Two different Opinions

We have a situation going on at our hubby and I disagree. Shocker right, ha ha. Really we don't disagree on that many things. This isn't that big of a deal, but I'm wondering what others opinions would be on the matter.

So here it is...Kevin would like to buy a new stove, dishwasher and washer and dryer. You would think it would be the other way around right?  I'm not completely against it as I know we need new ones but for now I think we can wait. He wants to get them now.
In my opinion they are still working so why get new ones. Wear it out, right?  What do you think? Lets start with the washer and dryer. These baby's have to be around 35 to 40 years old. We have had them since we were married. Kevin got them from his professor at CEU, he was getting his wife new ones. So I figure they were around 20-25 years old then and we have been married for almost 12. Kevin has had to fix something on the dryer since we have had them and that is it. Ya ever hear the phrase "they don't make them like they used to."

Next is the stove: This has been in the house ever since we moved in (almost 10 years ago) If you look closely you can see the water slanted in the pan. It drives Kevin crazy that it's not level.
Now comes the dishwasher. We actually just bought this like three or four years ago so It makes me furious that it's already broken. The handle broke so I had to open the whole top off and rig it up with tape so it doesn't fall. But still works. 
So what do you think? Would you get new ones or wait till they die?


Calli said...

I would totally get new ones if Casey suggested it... But thats me. haha. But the way the world works seems as soon as you replace them something else will break. Got to love it!

Dawson Family said...

Try and sell the stuff or find someone who needs the stuff that still works and take him up on it! I love new appliances.

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

I would hang onto the washer and dryer and take him up on a new stove and dishwasher!

In my new house, I have a double convection oven. LOVE IT! I would never live without it now! I can bake 6 pans of cookies at a time and they are all brown and beautiful!
If you can get a it!

Kristi Rowley said...

I'm with Jenny. I would keep the washer and dryer and get new stove and dishwasher. My parents have the same washer and dryer in their house. My dad bought a new one for their motel and he always complains about it and how they don't make them like they used to. He has had to replace the "New" ones that he has purchased (for the motel) every couple of years.

overlyactive said...

It sounds like Kevin want so buy you something. Maybe you would rather it be something else and save the money until the appliances really don't work. If you let him know you truly are content with it, save the money and get it when you really need it. He might be thinking you really want it but just want to be frugal. But ultimately for the sake of marriage harmony if he is insistent you can be happy with new appliances right?

Heather K. said...

Our old washer and dryer worked great too and looked like yours actually, maybe a few years newer maybe. My mom bought us new ones and we got rid of them but they seemed to work fine. So if they work and the dryer seems to dry in an efficient time, keep them. Even though nice new things are fun to have, I have a hard time spending $ too.

I think your oven has legs on the bottom that twist so you can make it more level. So if that is his only complaint, try seeing if yours has that. We have a gas stove/oven and I love it...I just hate the cleanup because its immediately cooked on anything spills. However, if you like electric better, the glass tops are so nice for cleanup. And the dishwasher...yikes! That would bother me too with the handle! Since you have a larger family now and they will continue to get older and use more dishes, if you got a new one you could find something that had more space to fit lots of dishes? Or more efficient to add lots of dishes I guess I should say. I say think about it and if any of those things will make your life easier since you use them the most, get it! :)

Karin Shannon said...

I totally agree about using things until they are dead but My washer and dryer died and I bought the huge front loaders. It has made my life so much easier. I can stuff enough clothes in it that it would be atleast 2 loads in my old ones. With me having 4 kids and you having 6 I know you understand the constant stream of dirty laundry that comes in. I would encourage you to get the huge size:) then you can spend more time cooking and clean and not so much on laundry;) because you know that's all we do all day!!