Thought I would share some pics from our last camping trip. We went to the Manti Pageant on Thursday. The kids behaved so well. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the kids with some of the actors but you know me, my mind is always on food so I went with my sisters to find some grub.
Outside the cabin Kevin's grandma keeps these hummingbird feeders filled and at one point we counted 12 of them. Danika wanted to see if one would land on her finger. One did just for a brief moment but it was too fast and I couldn't catch a picture in time.

The kids loved to go on the trails around and feed the fish.

Kevin took his BB gun and we shot at pop cans. I love to shoot, it reminds me of my Dad. He build a metal target catcher thing while I was growing up so we could go to the garage and practice shooting.

Of course there was time to just hang out inside and be silly!

On our way back on Saturday we stopped at my Bros in Herriman where we had a family lunch. We all headed to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. Here is a picture of my Twin sister (who's expecting her fourth woo hoo) and her family.

And a group picture.

We had a great time. As the fourth is coming up I hope you all have a fabulous Independence Day! What a wonderful country we live in!