Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Venting post #?

I had a breaking point tonight. It started towards the middle of the day. I have had to start making dinner in the afternoon since BriLynn has become so clingy. I have to get everything done while she is asleep. Breakdown= BriLynn crying (wanting to be held constantly), Jacob throwing a tantrum (no nap of course), Luke picking on Jacob (because he plays the annoying big brother so well), me paying bills online (like that's ever a happy event), Danika complaining about homework and Andrew complaining about his chores, did I mention the bathroom floor and sink being covered in water?, dirty dishes (the sink and dishwasher are full), dirty kitchen (salt all over,courtesy of Luke, baby seat full of mushed green beans and punch spilled all over the place) then to add to it Kevin saying "Bye" leaving for meetings. I had had it. After collecting myself and getting things all cleaned up I still feel flustered. I'm sure that some ice cream will help with that. Ahh.. just the thought of it makes me smile. Okay I'm good.


Felicia said...

Just another hour 'til bedtime...one more hour 'til bedtime...

Enjoy that ice cream because you deserve it!

I was upset when I put my kids to bed last night because their room was a disaster (after I'd asked them to clean it several times). I refrained from yelling, but I told them they were not going to be happy when they got home from school today. (I was planning to clean it myself and take away toys).

I went in to wake them up this morning...and their room was spotless! They had closed their door after we put them to bed, and quietly worked together to clean their room, and I had no idea. It's moments like those that make all the dirty dishes and piles of laundry worth it. I hope you get one of those "moments" soon.

Sandra said...

Wow Felicia thats cool, maybe your kids could come stay the night ha ha. I was thinking though...I might keep my cool if I had a tube that fed a constant flow of ice cream to my mouth.

Steph said...

I wondered if you had a breaking point sometimes. You always seem so cool and collected. Glad to hear you are human! Wish I was closer to help!

The Nielsen's said...

You recover way too easily! I am freaking out just reading this. It makes me think of my kitchen and how I'm craving bed early tonight as well as last night... I think bed wins. There's always tomorrow for dishes right?? Even when I know I should do them now... um... not going to happen.

Lena Baron said...

I so Love Ice cream and choco chip cookies after a day like that. But really, I HATE days like that. For me, the worst part may have been having the hubby say bye. It just feels so much heavier when there isn't another person to look at over the screaming children and share a moment of eye rolling and steam blowing from my ears. I hope tomorrow's better for you!!

Tina said...

I hate days like that. Glad its over, and that ice cream was there to save he day. Hopefully you don't have another one of "those days" anytime soon. Thanks for the use of the drill yesterday and for picking up Bridget from school.

Anonymous said...

I get frustrated with one little bubba. It takes a real strong woman to rear 5! Thank goodness for blogs to vent on!


I'm glad to know that you're normal! You ALWAYS seem cheery and pleasant in any situation. Not that I wish a bad day on anyone!

Heather K. said...

WOW, my breaking point would have been way before all that you went through! I hate days like that!

Tina said...

Sounds like my days most of the time lately. This pregnancy has made me grouchier too.

Oooh....Ice cream sounds good....

ps the part about Luke playing the annoying big brother part sounds just like Ari. She bugs Abby all the time and it makes me cRAzY!

Nat said...

Thank goodness for bedtimes and ice cream!

...and thanks for making me feel better. I lose it sometimes, too!

writings said...

Wow, the only thing that could have made it worse is if you opened the freezer and no ice cream...I'm glad you at least kept you "fix" stalked right?

Inspired said...

Sorry, that last post was me, someone else was signed in on our computer.

overlyactive said...

I was thinking the same thing as Steph was. I didn't know you ever hit a breaking point. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who loses my patience!

Take care and we need to do breakfast soon!

Jessica said...

I hit my breaking point all to often I'm afraid. Its good for me to hear this and know its not just me, and we all have bad days. Luckily for me I have a great friend to talk to, and she helps pull me out of it. Of course chocolate never hurts either!

Dynamic duo said...

Just reading that made me want to look for a full-time-out-of-the-home job! Yikes. Gives me anxiety! However, now that I have a full-time-out-of-the-home job, I miss those moments of sheer chaos, get over it and hug the little rascals! You are an amazing mom, don't forget it in those moments, but be proud that you are GREAT!

Trina said...

Sandra, I was happy to see this post because I have those days so often and I always think about you and wonder what is wrong with me. Now I know it happens to the best of us! You are always smiling and just seem to have it all together. (Which I still think you do, it is just nice to be assured that it's not just my kids!)