Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night for FHE we talked about listening. It seems like we have had to repeat ourselves often to the kids. When we finished Danika said "Oh it's kinda like when Jonah didn't listen." Yes, they understand what we mean. Then she continued "God had to tell Jonah more than once to go to Narnia" Well we are almost there. Narnia, Ninivah, I can see how she could get them mixed up he he. Call us mean but if we call them once up to the table (knowing fully that they heard us) and they don't come before we pray. They don't eat. They sure get up to the table fast. Now to figure out how to get them to listen to the rest of the things we say. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

That's funny.

Inspired said...

Okay your kids are hilarious! My mom would randomly reward us. If she told us to make our beds and we did it we would find a treat under out pillow etc. The thing is that we never knew what thing it was that was going to get the reward, sometimes all of us got it, and sometimes only one of us, and the rest were of course jealous and resolved to listen the next time.

Nat said...

I thought it was Narnia, too! :)

Daughter of God said...

no ideas here, we've started to have the "listening" problem increase ever since ben starting working so far away. so if you get any good ideas, you should post them, :]

Steph said...

Crying works when I want Scott to listen. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. :)

Kristi Rowley said...

We have the same issue with listening. They don't listen until I am yelling at them. We did an FHE on honoring thy mother and father two weeks ago. Don't know if it helped much. I would be up for any good ideas too. Brindley thought it would be a good idea if whoever minded we gave them a candy bar. UHH, no. That's not how it works.

Raelynn said...

i gotta try the no prayer NO FOOD thing.. i'm sure my boys will learn FAST!! i learn so much from you!
i have no good ideas.. SORRY :(