Monday, October 19, 2009


We have noticed a problem in our home. The word "like". Both Kevin and I have caught ourselves saying it more than we thought we did. Tonight as we sat around the table for dinner we challenged the kids to not use it unless it was properly used. It was like totally said, like so many times when it like didn't need to be HA HA. Are there words you find yourself using improperly? Or phrases that have become habit? I find myself using "umm" and "so" a lot also. This is something I'm going to have to work on. So if ever you are talking to me and notice me saying them, just pinch me.


Daughter of God said...

that's so crazy! Ben and I don't say 'like' all the time but our kids have been picking it up somewhere. It actually drove me crazy growning up, when people used it all of the time. Now my kids do! Let me know how it goes and if you do any special to help them use other words.
amy v. young

Nat said...

I say totally like way too much! (and like, and crap!)

Trina said...

:) We say those at our house too. I notice it more when I hear the kids saying it. It just sounds different then when it comes out of our own mouths. :)

Kristi Rowley said...

I'm with Trina, I notice what I say by hearing the kids say it. Lexie's first phrase she picked up on was "How bout". I then noticed I always said "how about". Many others she has picked up on. I need to write them down. It's kinda funny to hear her say them.