Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To get them...or not to get them?

Today Danika is home from school with a fever. She is feeling a ton better than last night. She had a massive headache. The poor girl was so scared she was going to die from it. We had to explain to her that a lot of people get headaches and she wouldn't die. It got me thinking...about flu shots. Do you and your family get them? We usually do. Kevin's work has a clinic for all the employees and their families. It was suppose to be tomorrow but the Health Department ran out of flu shots. I read in the paper that the H1N1 flu mist is now available. Do you plan on getting that vaccination? I wonder if the government just wants people to feel protected and optimistic about the whole thing and the shot is just a placebo. I know I think to much he he. What is your take on flu shots?


Felicia said...

I've had the true "influenza" twice. It was miserable. I've only had the shot twice. So I guess all those other years I just didn't get it. I DID get the regular flu shot this year, on the recommendation of our local clinic (in our small town everybody shares the same 10 shopping carts).

Several people (including nurses) have told me that they will NOT be getting the H1N1 vaccination because they don't trust it yet...they think it hasn't been tested enough. I probably will not get it...hopefully I won't regret my choice!

It's so hard to decide! Good luck.

Shantel said...

We get flu shots. Brooklyn has a compromised immune system and the risk is just to great. I just do the others along with her. But If I missed it. I would be fine with that too. Not much of an answer sorry.

Kristi Rowley said...

My girls had those same symptoms last week. All had headaches with a fever. None of them had an appetite either. Their fevers and headaches went away, then after about two days they all had a cough. I believe it was the H1N1, but never had it tested. Maybe I'm wrong. Since Lexie was born (my preemie) we have all tried to get the flu shot. I think it has helped. My kids haven't been sick with puking or throwing up in a long time. I agree with what Felicia said about the H1N1 vaccine. I won't get it for my family. It is too new.

Inspired said...

Here's a link my friend sent me about this years flu shot. It is worth looking at, the video was what helped me make my decision.
If an infectious disease specialist says so right?

Anonymous said...

Eh! I am not getting it. I never do. I am however getting Natalie the flu shot next time we go to her Dr. No particular reason.

Lena Baron said...

We don't get any of the flu shots. I just try to prevent and pray. We will NOT be getting the vaccine for the same reason as most of the other's that have commented. Too new and too many "possible problems." Good Luck!!

Nat said...

We got them, but if we want the H1N1 vaccine, we have to go back, and we all know how much kids like shots! :)

Our Crazy Family said...

The H1N1 shot is going to be given at the school either the end of October or Beginning of November. Keep that in mind.

As far as how I feel about the flu shot, I am not sure how I feel about it. I know there are several different kinds of flu out there this year but I am not sure that I will get the shots for me or any of my family. We will see. I need to do more research before I decide.

Good luck with your decision!

LeeAnne said...

I have to admit, I'm on still on the fence when it comes to flu shots. I have my doubts about them- quite frankly I don't think they're very effective. I have only gotten it once myself, and I recall actually being MORE sick that particular flu season than others, so I haven't bothered with it since. (though I did go ahead at get it for my son last year... or was it year before last? I figured it wouldn't hurt to try).

Well now I'm pregnant, and I have to admit this whole swine flu thing scares me a little... And my doctor totally recommended that I get both seasonal and swine flu vaccines and that she's getting them for herself and all her family. It does worry me that the swine flu vaccine is being rushed out to the public without much testing though. I just can't decide if it would be more beneficial to just go ahead and get the shots, or to just take my vitamins and stick it out :)

Kat Dahl said...

I personally NEVER got the shot. I rarely get flu symptoms and was just not worried about becoming sick. However, I don't have kids that attend public school...yet!!

My last ob/gyn appt I told her that this weekend I was starting to feel kinda ill for the first time, and she asked if I had gotten the flu shot. I told her no, and she basically ordered me to go get one since I'm pregnant. I figured as long as my insurance will cover it, then why not. Since we'll be traveling via plane during "flu season" for Christmas, and the baby will be too small to have his own shot, I might as well protect the both of us now with a shot. Any other year, and I probably wouldn't even have cared!!

But that's just me! :)

Becky said...

My first married Christmas I had the flu and it was terrible. After that I've gotten the shot. I'm not sure about the H1N1 though. Seems almost all a scare tactic, kind of to me. None of the Dr's I've talked to have a concern for it. In fact my pediatrician said if you get one, get the regular one, more people die from that one. I'm kind of scared with the H1N1 because of places forcing them to get it and the government, and not seeming it's been tested enough, as well as the ingredients that's in it. I'm leaning towards not getting that one.

Chad & Chelsey said...

Sandra~ Since the girls' were born it was highly recommended that we get the flu shot for our whole family every year. We have and have never had any problems. I too don't feel very comfortable with the H1N1 vaccine. Not a lot of testing or info. However, our pediatrician wants the girls' to have it. I am on the fence about it and don't know what to do. Good luck making your decision.