Today I learned that my cousin lost her husband in a car accident. I feel for her as she has four kids to take care of. I know she will have the love and support of her family but nothing can take his place. It got me thinking about if something like that were to happen in our family, would we be prepared?
When we had Danika we talked about life insurance, it was pricey and we were still in school. I believe it wasn't until Andrew joined our family that we actually got it. My uncle is a lawyer so I called to get some info on Wills. A trust would be around five hundred dollars and that was money we didn't have then. We filled out the paper work we got and it has sat in our safe for probably six years. I need to research what I need to do to get it legal. It scares me to think what could happen if one of us were to pass away. I guess the whole "if ye are prepared ye shall not fear" fits perfectly. We definitely need to be more prepared with this.
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
So so so very sad!!!
I am so sorry for your cousin. May she know that the Lord is watching over her.
Thinking of you and your cousin. We are not prepared for something like that either.
I am so sorry. We too are not prepared for that kind of situation. It scare me because it can happen so fast!
That was the first thing we did when we had Natty. I am so sorry for your cousin. That is heartbreaking!
someone I knew from high school just lost her husband too! it's so sad and crazy that we both know someone that this has happened to lately. I know what you mean about the wills. We have tons of life insurance but no wills yet, better get them done.
nope, we're still here. It's hard being apart, but we're supposed to be patient. So maybe and hopefully soon the family that is supposed to be here will find us. :]
Funny you talk about this, we (I mean ME) finally got around to finalizing our trust that we started 2 YEARS AGO! Pain in the butt, getting everything notorized and what not. I thought I had crossed every T and dotted all the I's but as I was double checking my life insurance through my job, it was no longer there. I called HR and they told me it was a computer glitch, sorry...Scary to think about if I had passed away and learning my husband is up a creek without a paddle. The hardest part was deciding who takes care of your kids. I made Randy and I use one of our date nights to take care of all the paperwork without the kids. It was a lovely dinner and I have such peace of mind now regarding our family.
Hey, just so you know, Mark is preparing to take the Utah Bar Exam this summer, and once he gets admitted into the Bar in the Fall, he can get that all set up for you. You can be some of Mark's first clients...if you don't mind waiting a couple more months. It will be good for him because he was thinking he'd have to start his own practice, and this is what he'd include in his services. Seriously, it would be a win-win situation for you cousins!! :)
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