Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Food Food Food

I just wanted to share something I learned this last Saturday. Our stake had a Emergency preparedness open house. Now I had felt like we were pretty prepared. I didn't know exactly what I had in food storage but in my mind I felt like it was a years supply. We added up everything we had just in cans and buckets. I found (according to church suggestion) we only had enough grain to feed 1.6 people for a year. Man that's it? 483 lbs is what we have and the church suggests 300 per person. We have enough sugar for a little over two people. Don't even ask me about the fats and salt category ha ha.
I think I'm going to try a method I heard about and then I'll feel more comfortable about being prepared. I'll continue to increase those other supplies but at least I'll know I have meals for a year to feed my family. Plus it's stuff I know I'll use.
Maybe you guys have heard of this, it's called the 19x19 method of food storage. If you multiply 19x19 what do you get? 361. Enough meals to last you a year. Find 19 recipes that your family can stand to eat 19 times in a year and you have a plan for your food storage. I can already tell you I have stuff to make spaghetti 19 times :) Woo hoo thats one meal down, 18 to go. So maybe this isn't exciting to you but it's a simpler way to me of getting a year supply of meals. Let me know what you think. Oh and no that is not a picture of my food storage above...although that would be nice.


Jessica said...

I was going to be very jealous if that was your storage room. That looks amazing! I like the idea of the 19 meals, I may try to do that. I really wish I was more prepared.

Becky said...

Another great thing that is easy to make is Pantry Secrets. This bread is tasty and super easy to make. http://www.pantrysecrets.net/ Plus you can use it for 50 different kinds of bread. They came to our Enrichment night to show us.

Calli said...

That makes it so much easier to think about it! haha! i am going to remember that one..

Nat said...

Yeah, my food storage doesn't look like that, either. We're working on it, though!

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

that is a great idea! thanks, Sandra :)

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

You've got to check out this web site....this woman is my idol!


She lives off her food storage and does it in such a common sense way!

Kristi Rowley said...

Great Plan! I definately am going to try that one. And yes, I thought that was your food storage and was amazed.

Shannon said...

That's awesome. I need some work in this area!

overlyactive said...

That looks like my mom's food storage room! Seriously she has got enough to feed my family and her's! Too bad she doesn't live next door!

triplej said...

What a great post. I think we could all use a little help in this area!!