This next weekend the front steps will be resurfaced with cement (the rain has created lots of divots). Poor Kevin started doing it today but it was setting up so fast. Luckily our neighbor across the street is a cement guru and so we are paying him to do it.
While at Home Depot today there was a front loading washer and dryer on discount since it was the floor models. Oohh they looked so nice, I would have loved to get them. The ones we have now we have had for 11 years. Kevin got them from a professor of his at CEU. He heard we were getting married and offered them to him since he was getting new ones. Those babies have got to be over 25-30 years old. I'm the type that thinks "wear it in, wear it out, make it do, or do without." So until they die I'm happy to use them.
After those improvements we will have to start saving up again for more projects. It seems like a never ending list. Tis life eh? We have to continue to improve or "update" ourselves. Now I'm not meaning botox ha ha. Our investments for these improvements are increased by prayer, temple attendance, scripture study etc. Just a little though from me to you he he.
This is off the subject but I took these pictures of Danika the other day. She picked up a big dragon fly and it wouldn't let go of her.
Updates are so much fun once they're done!! Good luck :)
good luck! I would LOVE to get new windows in our house too... maybe someday....
I loved your comment about improving yourself and NOT meaning Botox! :) you are the best and I couldn't agree more....
Zoe and Kaia love to catch dragonflies too... the pictures of Danika are so cute
Gotta love the never ending list of "to-do's".
Drives me crazy.
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