Packing tape: A couple dollars
Playing in a cardboard clubhouse that daddy built: Priceless.
Just on a side note. I went to the grocery store and the cashier asked me, "Has anyone ever told you that you look alot like Julia Roberts?"
WHAT? I was shocked and thought it was funny. I came home and asked Kevin if he thought Julia Roberts was cute he he. He said he had been told he looked like Prince William and John Elway from the Denver Broncos. Have you ever been told you look like someone?
Your kids are getting so big! I love cheap toys! Don't you? When ever we move we always have weeks of entertainment for my kids with all the empty boxes! Love it!
I never have but Scott gets told he looks like Kevin a lot. hehehe
I was told I look like Drew Barrymore... Interesting.
Sweet pics of your Precious family!!!
I want to come play in your awesome fort! What fun!
Cool Fort! I have been told Elizabeth Taylor (younger years) and Snow White...
i have been told I look like Reece Witherspoon and Buttercup from The Princess Bride.
I love cardboard boxes! They make the best forts, and they hold up better than blankets! Fun!
Looks like the kids had fun.
I was called "Elaine" a lot in High School (as in from Sienfeld)... but haven't been much since then.
In my skinnier days, I was told more than once that I looked like Molly Ringwald...but I don't even know who she is.
I can't think of anyone I have been told I look like, but Rob has been told he looks like Elvis a lot of times...thank you..thank you very much.
I worked with a guy when I did hair in a salon who said I looked like Justine BaTeMan. I never saw the ReSeMbLaNcE, but it's funny how other people do. Love the cardboard box HuT! Those are SoO Fun! :)
On more than one ocassion I've been told that I look like Nicole Kidman, especially from "Far and Away" and Mark says that's why he like Nicole Kidman...but we all know that's why he likes me... haha!
Honestly, my dad told me that when he watches me on stage that I remind him of Julia Roberts too. I wonder how I can look like both of them! It's more likely that I look like neither of them. Ha ha!
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