Yesterday in Relief Society a girl had mentioned that we should focus on the good stuff and our blessings. I'm going to try doing that...
My morning started out great. Got the kids and hubby out the door by 8. The three little ones were still asleep so I could shower. Bonus one (a quiet nice and rare). I got the kids fed and dressed, did some laundry then dusted the house. As I do my housework I like to listen to the radio. There was a contest, the 11th caller would get a prize if they answered a question correctly.
I was the 11th caller and here was the question:
How many players can be on the field in Football? Uhhh...yeah I'm not a big football fan. The DJ said "I'll give you a hint. 11/11//11 is coming up."
Well I get to choose a tie or woman's necklace at a local store for free. Bonus 2! Good way to start off a day.
I headed shopping to Smiths because I LOVE the play land the kids can go to. Shopping with one is much easier than three. The baby fell asleep in the cart cushioned by all our coats. Bonus 3.
In the afternoon I watched my friends kids. It was a half a day of school so I had my six and her four. Danika called from the school and asked if a friend could come play. Lets just say I'm not cut out to have 11 kids 10 and under. A 5 month old, a 7 month old, 2 two year olds, 2 four year olds, a 6 year old, a 7 year old, an 8 year old and 2 ten year olds. My neighbor, a 13 year old girl came over to play. She helped a lot with the kids. Bonus 4!
Sure I had to clean my two year old and her sheets since she had peed the bed this morning, a kid got their fingers slammed in the door, kids snuck green sugar sprinkles and made a mess in my pantry, had to clean mud off my carpet and floor, a kid got whacked with a bat, had to clean up flour from a two year old jumping on the flour can, found marker on my wall, and the list could continue but...I'm going to focus on the bonuses that happened.
Bring on tomorrow :)
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
GREEN SPRINKLES! Those will be a blessing for weeks to come! :)
(You'll find them EVERYWHERE!)
:) Someone is always watching out for you, if only we notice. I'm glad you saw his hand in your day!!!
Oh so real and beautiful! I loved this post! Good luck you AMAZING woman!!!!
Haha, loved reading this :) It's true that when we focus on the "bonuses" it's actually a good day after all, despite all the crazy things that happen! I have been focusing way too much on the messes and mischief and owies lately and not enough on the bonuses. I'll keep this in mind :)
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