Thursday, February 5, 2009

Watch me grow

I started taking pictures like this with Andrew. I take one every month for the first 6 months. It's amazing how much they grow in that amount of time. I know it's nothing fancy but when you put them all together on one page it's fun to see. I had to share this one because BriLynn is getting to the point where she will smile when you look at her. Sorry that it is sideways but I couldn't figure out how to rotate it. So just tip your head to the side he he.Side note: JOY is when you hear your three little boys playing with each other and laughing. PANIC: is checking up on them and realizing they are in your bathroom with the door locked. FEAR: is hearing your husbands electric razor turn on. RELIEF: is finding that none of them shaved their hair or eyebrows off.


dancin' momma said...

She's getting so big! And she's a doll! To answer your kids go to the chiropractor regularly. It is amazing how much it helps them. Banana very rarely gets sick, and the one time she got an ear infection we treated it with garlic drops and chiropractic adjustments. And it went away quick. I've always believed in trying to take a more natural approach to most things, and I have learned a lot since Russ started chiro school. It's pretty neat. I am just anxious for when Russ can take care of them!

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

That is such a great idea! I am so terrible. My Kaitlynd has a ton of pictures and then my boys have very little.
You are such a good Mommy!

Lena Baron said...

She is so sweet! I Loved your FUNNY sode note too!:)

Heather K. said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! And I can't believe it has been 2 months already, holy cow! I am glad nothing got shaved off!!! :o)

Tina said...

what a little cutie. She reminds me so much of Danika. Love the shaving story. Cute.

Tina said...

That's a cute idea. I love that she's smiling already.
The playing with the razor thing would have scared me too. Glad no one lost any hair.

Nat said...

She is getting so big! LOL! My kids would have definitely shaved something off!

When my oldest was four, he saw a commercial for the new Superman movie. He and his 2 year old brother played Superman the next day. My oldest found me and asked where he could find the hair clippers. His brother couldn't be a convincing Lex Luthor with all that blonde hair! I am so glad he asked first! :)

Susi said...

She is so sweet! We are on our way to London. I do like the seat covers already! They make me laugh.

Jake, Tayli, Jayli, Kynli & Charli said...

That's such a good idea! They're gonna love that when they're older. What a great mom.

Trina said...

That is a cute idea. I can't believe she is so big already! I love her smile. It is such a fun age. I need to get my pictures all together. They are all either in boxes or somewhere in a digital file. I want to get them organized so bad, but it seems like such an overwhelming project. Everyone says just to start with the most current pictures, but even that is hard. I love having digital photos, but I never take the time to actually print them... Glad you guys are doing well. :)

overlyactive said...

The comment about the boys and the razor made me laugh so hard. I like the picture idea. We should start that one.

Raelynn said...

SOOOO ADORABLE!!! She's so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Haha. (o: That is funny. BriLynn is too cute!!