If you guessed Andrew your correct. The silly boy has been so into pacman lately. What are your kids into lately? Although, the other night when Kevin was getting him into bed he said. "Dad I don't want a Laptop for Christmas anymore, I want Bockugan." Whew, that saves us a couple hundred! he he. Are your kids already making lists for Christmas too? Well I now need to work on getting Luke into something besides Star Wars. He is constantly trying to use the force on people and says "Meet your destiny" to them. Jacob hates it when he does it to him. He punched Luke in the cheek after he did it yesterday. Of course it was a naughty thing to do but Kevin couldn't help but laugh. He's a cute little brute.
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
Sometimes it is so hard not to laugh at the naughty things they do. This morning we were going through our pics of the weekend and Royce has a silly face in every single one of them. I was mad but Ty couldn't stop laughing- Royce may be confused by this.
That's an awesome pie! Scott starts his Christmas list early, so I think it's totally normal. Are you guys coming to Cory's reception? We are gonna drive up for the evening. We are excited to see the family. We haven't seen them in forever!
Great pie! My boys were Too into Star Wars for a while and then Emma broke their Star Wars Legos game disc for the game cube. They haven't played it for a Long time. They still like to watch the movies, but I only let them watch them once in a while otherwise they talk about it Constantly! We have been trying to play more board games with them and getting a variety of movies for them from Netflix. Masen really likes Bakugan too, and he starts making his b-day list the day after Christmas. :)
I'm afraid I don't know who/what Bakugan is. However, my kids are always asking for things and my reply is that they ask for it for Christmas. As for the broken tennis racket--that must have been my kids. I know they weren't at your house, but if it's broken I'm sure they did it (just like the brand new lamp my hubby bought for Chief's desk--the lamp that is no more).
I can't believe the creativity you have Sandra. Really I love to read your blog because I get so many great ideas. Not that I carry out as much as you do but I'm definently enriched because of you!
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