Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lunch notes

Tis that time again to send notes with the kids in their lunch boxes. I found another site and thought I would share. It's at http://alenkasprintables.com/lunchboxnotes.shtml

While looking at sites I found this blog. This girls husband makes her lunch and puts a note in it. He is a comic book artist. How cool is that. If you have time check it out. http://lunchnotes.blogspot.com/


Mandy said...

That is so darn clever and cute! I bet you kids love getting lunch notes. I will have to rememeber that for next year. :)

Jessica said...

I love that, I think I am going to have to do that for my kids. They love having home lunches, and that will be just a cute reminder that we are thinking of them!