Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Four Times Four

I was tagged to do four times four:

Four places I go:
1.Store (again and again and again!)
2.Elementary School

Four Favorite Smells:
1.Babies skin (clean of course ha ha)
2.A good smelling Cologne on my hubby
3.Rain (not so much after when it heats up, the neighbors have a dog he he)
4.Anything baked...mmmm bread and cookies :)

Favorite TV shows/Movies
1.ULTIMATE GIFT! A good show, I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it.
2.Any movie or show cuddled up with my hubby
Man I can't think of anything else. I don't watch any TV shows on a regular basis anymore. Unless you count the news.

Four Recommendations:
1. Spend time playing with your kids, they grow so fast. (I'm sure all you Moms know that)
2. When your having a pity party, don't invite others just grab some chocolate HA HA (When I'm having one I start thinking about all my blessings and it kicks me out of it fast)
3. Forgive yourself
4. Praise more today than yesterday (this is a sign on our bathroom mirror, I need a daily reminder)

Now I get to tag four:
1. Nat
2. Jessica
3. Kristy
4. Amy


Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...


Nat said...

Clean babies! I think I'll go snuff and snuggle one right now! :)

Kristi Rowley said...

I love reading stuff like this. It helps me get to know others better. Is that Kristy me?