Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How do you Relax?

I completely wore myself out yesterday. I don't know if it was since I was in the sun so much but my body is shutting down. I think it's trying to tell me to slow down. I walked with Tina at 6 am, made breakfast, mowed the lawn, watered it, went to swimming lessons with the kids, babysat Olivia, made lunch, did the laundry, mopped the floor, made dinner, went to the Library and the grocery store know all the things between from changing diapers to playing with the kids. That night I put the kids to bed and then headed to bed myself. I was so weak. I even turned down ice cream which I'm sure shocked Kevin. I slept in the next day and didn't feel the same energy I usually have. My fear is that if I slow down, I'll stop. I fear that if things don't get done that day, that they will never get done. Really, who is going to do it if I don't? If the kids wake up in the night I have a hard time getting back to sleep because my to do list runs through my head. Maybe I need to do some relaxation exercises or something. I usually relax in front of the TV with a box of ice cream on my lap. I'm sure that's not healthy or real relaxation. My question is what do you do to relax? Do you meditate? Deep Breath? What works for you? Any suggestions?


Raelynn said...

Well i take a drive with NO one in the car but me!!! AND i turn up the music... and i jam out!! Like dance and all!! I bet i look pretty crazy.. when i get home i feel great!! You should try it sometime!

Marianne said...

A nice long bath with low lights and a good book...don't forget bubbles, bath beads, or yummy bath oil.
Stay in until the water gets cold. If that's not long enough, drain a little and add some hot! I've been known to stay in until I "prune" but it totally works. :o)

Kellee said...

Relax? What does that word mean again?
I haven't relaxed in so long..too busy. But, I used to do the bath thing too, take a walk, blog, read, watch a drama that no one else in the house wants to watch, play piano, take a nap...can't think of anything else.
You know, you are pregnant with #5, right? Maybe you have had such great pregnancies before and this time it's finally caught up to you. My 3rd and 4th about exhausted me to death! Don't worry until a few weeks after the baby comes. If you're still too exhausted then, maybe then you should get checked out. Well, maybe not...5 kids will still keep you exhausted. Okay, when you're kids are all out of the house... No, I've heard it doesn't help. Maybe we're just doomed to being exhausted until we're resurrected!

Daughter of God said...

sandra, sandra, sandra, remember that you have a baby inside of you and it's #5! Things will get done. And one thing that i've noticed is that when they start to not get done as much, aka me doing them, Ben steps in and helps. He has even moped the floor a bunch of times. You need to let kevin help you! He is a great guy and I'm sure would love to help if he knew that you needed/wanted the help. :] As for relaxing I like to take long warm baths with oils in them, lavender is very relaxing along with peace and calming. Have Kevin give you a back rub to help you get to sleep. I don't know what I would have done without one of those every night I was prego. :] Good luck!

Nat said...

That's rough, but unfortunately "relax" isn't even in my vocabluary! Chocolate sometimes helps!

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

I think that I lived on Nyquil all of last year...J/K....but really sometimes it was the only way to stop thinking!!!

You should try some Herbal Tea. I like Sleepy time or Chamomile. I heat the water in a mug in the microwave for 1 min. and then put the tea bag in for about 5 min.
The whole process of tea making will sooth you. Just knowing that we must be patient in life and take our time. Good things will come!

Tina said...


Ok, not always blogging. I'm with Kellee, sometimes I just sit and watch a movie - usually something Dave doesn't care for. Chocolate is good too.

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

I have found that doing some deep breathing helps. I usually lie down, put on an Enya CD, and concentrate on the stress leaving my body. I focus on one area at a time, and literally picture a wave of tension and stress going down my arm or leg to my hand/foot and out of my fingers/toes. It really works, I've used this technique to deal with my sciatic pain too. :)

Felicia said...

Shoot. I've got the opposite problem. I'm in need of some motivation. Summer makes me want to sit in the grass with a book while my kids play...and ignore the house, and the business, and the bills, and the laundry, and everything else that needs to get done.

dancin' momma said...

dancing used to be my solution, but it'snot so practical anymore...i love, love relaxing baths. they usually have to wait until the kids are asleep, but it is heaven!

Trina said...

Good music or a good book. AND I remind myself that sometimes the dishes will just pile in the sink, and laundry on the floor, and life goes on anyway. It all gets done eventually. :)