Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tax Time

Kevin brought home his W2's today and so now I need to get to work filing our taxes. The faster I get them in the faster we get our refund WOO HOO. Ya gotta love tax refunds! I have always done it by hand on the forms and then mailed them in. This year I think I will try Turbo Tax. Have any of you worked with this? How do you file yours?


Mother of the Wild Boys said...

I used to do them myself, but now we go get them done...It's only $30, well worth the peace of mind.

vesta said...

usually we get a tax guy, he has helped find many deductions that I otherwise wouldn't have known. I just found out this year that I can deduct all my genealogy expenses as a charitable donation because it is part of my calling. Woo hoo! my credit union has turbo tax on their website for free so I can usually see how much I am getting back without filing (which costs). Usually we get about the same when I compare Turbo and the tax guyand sometimes the tax guy tells me that I am deducting things incorrectly so it is nice to know that I have a less chance of being audited. Plus the tax guy fee is tax deductible the next year.

Felicia said...

Todd always takes care of ours, but he's used Turbo Tax for the last several years.

If I had my way...we'd get a tax guy 'cause I'm paranoid about doing it wrong.

Kristi Rowley said...

Thank Heaven I have a awesome brother-in-law that helps us every year. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Daughter of God said...

Ben always does them online with H & R block. They are awesome, sept by setp questions and they save your info from year to year so you can go back and print stuff from previous years if you need to, and it's all safe! We've done that ever since we got married, really quick and easy.

Jessica said...

Like Kristi, I am happy that I don't have to do mine. Thanks goodness for family! I love the peace of mind.

Emmett and Ashlee said...

I can't remember what it is called but we use some online thing that costs like 10 bucks. Very easy. Your new baby is beautiful. Congrats. Oh and no I have never had to take progesterone before. Have you ever had to? It sure wasn't my favorite.

Jessica said...

Hey, sorry to comment twice, but I was on a website, and it had a free copy of Turbo Tax online today. So if you get this check it out. Its called It has a new deal everyday. You can sometimes find some great stuff. Good Luck.

Heather K. said...

I used TurboTax for a few years until I messed up on it and realized it the following year. We had to take the lovely refund we got from having Olivia and turn around and give most of it back to the IRS so we didn't get screwed. Thank goodness there wasn't a huge pentalty, I think $20 or less in interest? Anyway, I liked it, it calculated everything, I liked it. Kudos for doing it by hand, that is something I would not like to do. If you do end up having to go buy it get it at Sams, it is cheaper there I think when we compared prices a year or so ago with the version we were getting.

Lena Baron said...

Yep, Turbo Tax. Leif enjoys doing them... Interesting.:) But I'm grateful he has the knowledge!

Tina said...

I used Turbo Tax before we got married. Dave used Tax Cut. He enjoys filing taxes, and since he does them around here we use Tax Cut now.
I think they are both about the same though.

Kellee said...

We do Turbo Tax too. It's free through our credit union. We just pay a processing fee of $30 I think. It's really easy to use and walks you through step by step. I have a friend who messed up on hers a few years ago (typed a figure in wrong) and they got a HUGE return. They thought it was wrong, but didn't find anything. Now they have to pay it back. That does make me a little nervous, but we'll do Turbo Tax again.

overlyactive said...

Turbo Tax is what we do every time. The nice thing is all our information is stored so we don't have to reenter information every year. We can do our taxes in about one hour tops now. It's very painless. But it is more expensive then some of the others.