Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tell me you have done this too!

Last night three of the five kids woke up. So Luke was the first complaining that his leg hurt. Those darn growing pains. So that was around 2:30 and I just laid there and laid there. So tired...sleepy, warm.... in my mind I think, if I just lay here long enough Kevin will get up with him. I think he was thinking the same thing. It's a matter of who feels bad enough for the child. Of course Jacob woke up (probably because he was cold, he can't keep his blankets on him) We noticed it was cold when Luke had woke up. The furnace was shut off. Jacob was kind enough to flip the switch when he saw Mom go in to get an item needed for dinner (thats two times now he has done that) We always find out in the middle of the night when its been off so long it's freezing. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you ever stay in your bed and act asleep (although your not) and just wait for you spouse to take care of the crying child at your bedside?


Kristi Rowley said...

Always! I even did it lastnight, knowing Jim wasn't home, but hoping the child would go back to sleep.

Nat said...

Definitely! I am glad I am not the only one!

Scoresbys said...

Definitely. It especially helps if you make a few sleepy sounds for effect.

Marianne said...

Yep! :o)

Tina said...

LOL! Yep... Though I will note that I am a much lighter sleeper than Dave. Often doesn't matter how long I wait, he'll sleep right through it. It's usually more effective to poke him and tell him its his turn.

BTW... You asked how I like my Wheat Grinder. I've only used it a couple of times, but I like it a lot. It works well and its MUCH quieter than the one my mom had growing up. You are welcome to come see it/try it out if you'd like. Jennifer has another version (same one my mom had I think)... maybe we could have her bring that Sunday and we could have a wheat grinding party. lol! At least then you could see them side by side.

LeeAnne said...

Ummm... of course!!

Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

I hope every Mom that has a husband does this!

Emily said...

I don't. I shake Chris and tell him its his turn because he would never wake up if I didn't!

overlyactive said...

I usually wait a while to see if they will go to sleep, and no Devin never wakes up and never recalls hearing them crying either.

Tina said...

of coarse!!! I say it is both of our as long as I don't do it every time I figure he does the same thing probably too.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I did it with our dog so I am pretty sure I will do it when the baby comes! Haha!

Lena Baron said...

Absolutely! However, once Caleb came into the picture Leif and I decided that he would wake up with Jakob and I would wake up with Caleb. We'll see who gets up with the third baby... The nanny??? HA!