The kids make a makeshift campfire. With pine cones as the firewood and leafs instead of marshmallows. Luke of course asked if he could really light it on fire but yaa I'm sure you know what I answered to that. (Although the leaf in the picture with the way the light is hitting it, looks like it's on fire.) They called themselves the BYU scouts and made their own little chant. I was doing yard work and didn't even see what they were doing. When I heard them all singing I had to grab my camera I thought it was cute. I have fond memories of making and trying to sell mud pies as a kid. What fun things do you remember doing as a child?
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
Awwww...that shows what patterns they have in their life. What a great mom you are.
Hey summer is so fun, I can't wait for it, lots of plans to make! New house,camping ...My baby really is adorable..We named her Adalyn after Grandma A's mom. Except her name I think is spelled Adaline but I liked it this way better. With the baby hungry, I thought I only wanted one more after her but now I think I want more :)
that's pretty CRAFTY and SMART of them!! they are soooo CUTE!
I am with them, I can't wait to go camping and sit in front of a big campfire. That is so cute!
I wanna come over and roast marshmallows with them!!
I remember eating those little "pumpkins" that you find on weeds....I know gross. LOL
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