Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I got tagged from my friend Nat to take a picture of the Fridge. I must say her fridge looks a lot neater than mine. Cute Danika wanted to be part of the picture. Its full of miscellaneous magnets and papers for Danikas school. Our home/visiting teaching assignments along with other friends numbers and schedules. Of course you have to have the array of children's drawings on the Fridge portion. At the top corner there is a picture that makes me laugh, its a guy in a meeting pointing to a pie chart and he says, "This is how much pie I ate while making this chart". I now tag, Tina, Emily, Shauntae and whoever else feels like taking a picture of their fridge.


Mother of the Wild Boys said...

Your fridge looks like mine!

Tina said...

Sweet! I cleaned the front of my fridge shortly before we left for California! So its pretty bare right now. Great timing. :) lol.
I was kind of bummed this morning that it was raining... we need to walk!!

Nat said...

I love Danika's fly swatter! Very nice!

Sandra said...

Ya we had a fly in the house so the kids were on a hunt! Makes a nice addition to the picture eh?