Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Could it be.....

So in church on Sunday Jacob bit the tip off his pacifier (like the one above). Then of course he got mad and threw it. Let's just say that sacrament wasn't the funnest for me after that. Well since he saw what he had done and didn't want it anymore we thought this might be a good time to get rid of it completely. Last night he went to bed for the first time without his pacifier. HOORAY There's hope. I just put him down for his nap and the poor boy kept asking for it. I told him he broke it and he finally laid down. At one point we had six or seven and they all have slowly disappeared. Hopefully this keeps up and we will be rid of Binky's!!! Although it will be harder in Sacrament....that thing was a good plug. (Sigh)
On another note, my poor little family is sick....tis the season. It's just a head cold thank goodness, I always fear the dreaded stomach flu. Poor Kevin has had a cold for a few weeks. We are going to get our flu shots on Thursday. Do you and your family get flu shots? What medicine do you use when your kids are congested? I ask because I gave Luke some Motrin cold this morning and it didn't even seem to do anything. It's frustrating when certain medicines are not for kids under six but the ones that are okay for kids under six do nothing to help.


vesta said...

my doctor said for ear infections give 1 tsp of motrin, 1/2 tsp of cough suppressant, 1 tsp of allegy med plus the antibotic. I thought they would die!

Nat said...

Maybe this is bad, but I give my younglings the over six medicine. I give D half the dose because he is three, and A gets half of D's dose because he is one and a half. That works better for them. I hope you all get feeling better, and good luck breaking away from the binky!

Marianne said...

Ah...the joys...and sorrows of being binky free. Good Luck!

As for the medicine question...

I'm a big fan of Vick's Vaporub(on the chest under clothes or pj's and on the bottoms of their feet under socks). I run a cool mist humidifier in the house during the day and in their room at night.

I also use nasal saline drops and a bulb syringe on my little ones that can't blow. It's usually a two person job, but the drops loosen things up and help the bulb syringe do it's job. Not the most fun, but the results are good.

Sending healthy thoughts in your general direction. :o)

Lena Baron said...

I use vapor rub on the feet too. It seems to help. GOOD LUCK!

Tina said...

Yay for the binkie! Hopefully it works... and sorry to hear you guys are sick. No fun!
Don't really have any suggestions on medicines, we just use the typical Tylonel cold/motrin stuff too.