Trina tagged me and while I'm not big in to tags (no offense to anyone) I just have nothing new to post. I really don't mean to offend anyone that tags me, it just stems back to those emails that you get that have a list of 25 things for you to fill in. Like what are you wearing at the moment? What was the last thing you ate? Lets not forget the will get hemorrhoids if you don't pass it along. Okay you get the point, just don't feel bad if you tag me and I don't do it.
Okay here we go:
1. I have to have the dishes taken out of the dishwasher before I can go to bed.
2. I'm with Trina on finishing the get sawdust in the bottom of your bowl.
3. I don't like others in my kitchen when I'm cooking. Kevin has learned to stay out and not to say things like "does that need more pepper?"
4. I'm a holder inner...Kevin is the one that does a lot of the talking in our relationship. Usually the women is the one who want to talk before bed. Nope I just want to go to bed. I'm learning to open up though (thanks Dr. Phil) j/k
5. It drives me crazy when I can't finish something I started like.... a carton of ice cream he he. Nope, I mean like my hair in the morning before getting the kids ready or making a bed and having to stop to get a screaming child. Finishing a paragraph in a book or magazine. Does that make sense?
I think I've done this quirk tag thing before, oh well. Anyway your all tagged...feel free to do it or not.
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
Thanks for the option. I want to do this is fun. However..time is the issue! We'll see!
I think I love tags just as much as you do! Ha ha!
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