I was asked to put some pictures of BriLynn up. I had to put the one that is pretty bright from the flash even if you can't see it well. She just had the biggest smile, I love it. I just wanted to add how blessed we are!!! I was reading my friend Heathers blog (thanks for the post). Her little girl Alyson was born with a Congenital Heart Disease. She had posted a link to a family who just lost their little girl at 11 months after a heart transplant. I just sat and cried!!! I think it started when I noticed that her birth date was March 20th. That is Danika's birthday. This beautiful child of God passed away before her first birthday. How often do I complain about fighting kids and the laundry or whatever else happens to try my patience. How selfish I have been! I should be thankful that they are able to bicker with one another, they are still here to hold and love!
Joshua's ... The Family "Habitat" is Growing
I'm thrilled to say that the bug and alligator lizard habitat is still
thriving. We all observe and discuss it's progress and future together
daily. Th...
3 days ago
So true. It is hard to remember....even though it is so simple.
She is beautiful, you are so blessed!
She is so adorable!!!!
Is this the Heather that use to come to play group? Can you put a link to her blog?
Sandra, she is beautiful, and that smile is enough to make anybody smile. In fact, I'm smiling right now! Yes, you are very blessed, and I am so grateful you get to stay at home with you kids. I was really, really lucky to be able to stay home with Julie and Morgan until he started kindergarten, and was able to pick him up from school and be there with both of them right after school. Don't know how it all worked out, but being home with those precious little ones is something we can always be grateful for!
What a cutie! She has a lot to be happy about.
You're thought was perfect. I was in the middle of reading your post when I had to stop some bickering between my two older kids. I sat down, frustrated for the interuption, and read the rest. Wow--what a change of perception! Thanks!
We are moving becasue we are buying a house. Joel finally decided the market has bottomed out. Exciting - but SO overwheleming. SO many options - and every body wants to sell. We are in a very good position - but you want to be sure you are making a wise choice. What theLord wants. My ears are ringing - that is my stress level. Just come here and pick our house Sandra. I trust you.
Sandra - I hope it didn't make you too sad reading that. I too felt how precious life is and how special my kids are to me when you see how quickly things can be taken away from you. Me reading what that poor mother has been through made me love my children more if that is even possible since I love them so much anway. I love the pictures of BriLynn...she's getting to be a cute little chunk!!! :)
Wow! She is getting big!! (= I can't wait for mommyhood. It is such a hard subject when someone loses a child. My heart goes out to everyone who has ever had to deal with that type of loss. I pray I never have too.
What a cutie! She looks like Danika! I've never met either of them, but they look alike in pictures. Is her name pronounced Bree-Lynn?
That is so sad about the baby. My friend lost her four year old a little over a year ago due to a preventable accident. It was heart wrenching. There is nothing in this world that can prepare you for seeing an innocent child in a casket. I am also thankful for my healthy, breathing, fighting children.
Amen Sandra. Even I forget sometimes! But every single day with our children is a blessing! I just helped my mom make a gift for a mother who just lost her baby (still born.) Times like that bring back powerful emotions. We are truly blessed to have each day...
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