Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lost Temper?

So yesterday I lost my temper. I don't know why it's phrased like that because it's not like I have lost a temper, I've gained it. I'll just say I lost my patience. Do you know where I could find it? Anyway here's the story: Yesterday Luke peed in the garage. Yep just pulled his pants down by the van and emptied his bladder on the concrete....why? Who knows, he was two feet away from the door to the house. So of course I drag him in and smack his behind. (The garage door was open: I can't yell at my kids in public) I tell him he can't ride his bike now and that after lunch he is going right to bed. His little voice keeps saying "sorry mom" It's bad enough that it was outside, but in the garage! Well needless to say the guilt came and I felt bad for swatting him. Tell me you have outbursts. I blame some of it on hormonal changes, I get mean when I'm prego.


Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

Being prego is like being in a hormonal high (and not in a good way)for 9 months.
Make sure you get your rest and try not to plan so much into your day. It is enough to get meals on the table and straighted up!

Love ya!

Daughter of God said...

I think that everyone looses it at some point, though not everyone will admit to it. :] It's funny how when you're tired or not feeling your self how you can do things that you normally wouldn't do. I have had so many blessings when I've been sick where evil spirits have been casted out or I was told I would be able to withstand them at my weakened state. I really do believe that when we are sick, tired, or prego, that it is easier for us to be influenced by evil spirits. So don't feel too quilty keep up you're good work and this too shall pass, well in 9 months.:]

Our Crazy Family said...

I will be one to admit that yes I have lost my temper a few too many times. Today even when my son climbed atop his bunkbed and unscrewed the light fixture. I just about lost it but then thought of this post and realized that need to learn to control my temper. I understand. You are a great example of a wonderful mother. Thanks by the way for posting this or I would have lost it.


Kellee said...

My little Lukie has caused more patience lost than any of my other kids. It has been hard and then fun to think about the funny things he really has done. Hopefully you're laughing about peeing in the garage by now. I always hope I will one day laugh about whatever it was that got me so angry. Whenever boys are outside, I think they just figure it's the most fun place to pee! I get jealous :)

Josh and Ashlee said...

Not to be a one-up-er... but when Daimen gets in trouble and we put him in his bed for time out, he pees his pants all over his bed and pillow and blanket. He's fully potty trained and has been for quite awhile, he just thinks that this is the best way to get back at me. I seriously get so mad I just make him sit in it for an extra half an hour, then he doesn't think it was such a good idea. Parenting gives me premature graying....

Nat said...

We've all done that, and I've definitely got my stories! Doesn't it make you feel awful? My latest and greatest? I was trying to get my dudes to clean the playroom. One of them hid in the bathroom. I opened the door, grabbed his arm and drug him to the playroom. At least that was the plan. He took off running, tripped over my foot, and landed against the wall, while I was still hloding his arm. Later that afternoon, we were jumping on the tramp, and I bounced one of my kids a bit too high. He cried and said I hurt him. I held him and said, "I would never hurt you!" He looked at me and said, "What about this morning when you got mad and threw my brother into the wall?!" Let's hope he never tells the authorities that one!

Jai said...

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. He is selling the Game Cube and one controller for $30. The games he has are Wrestlemania X8 $10, Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly $7, Wolverines Revenge $5 and Marvel Nemesis:Rise of the Imperfects $13.

Trina said...

I have to agree with everyone else. We all have those moments. I can understand why that would be so frustrating. I think it is the worst when you know that they KNOW better. Kids definitely have a way of teaching us the virtue of patience. :)