Thursday, April 10, 2008

Crazy Jakers

I didn't have to take Danika or Andrew to school this morning so I slept in. I usually get up early to get ready before the kids get up so today Jacob played in the bathroom as you can see.He is starting to climb everthing.I guess he can wash his own mouth out :)
I thought this was funny, he kept slobbering over the screen door and squishing his face....silly silly Jakers.


Tina said...

Those are pretty funny pictures. I still can't believe he's already over a year old. Crazy. He'll be in Nursery before you know it.

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

He's so funny!

Nat said...

Okay, I'm not a stalker...I found a link to your Blog from Becky Baird. I used to be on Institute Council with Kevin way back at CEU. I can't believe you guys have four kids! I guess it shouldn't be so shocking since we do's just crazy how fast time flies. Anyway, cute kids, and it would be great to hear from you guys! Oh, this is Natalie Olsen...used to be Bates.