Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is the warm weather here to stay?

I'm ready for warm weather, yesterday was soooooo nice. I took this picture a week or so ago when it had warmed up a little, the kids enjoy playing in the sand box.They especially like going over to the neighbors to jump on the tramp. We went out yesterday and played with finger paint I bought at the dollar store. They put it all over their feet and ran all over the sidewalk, it said it was washable but it stained Danikas leg blue. They wanted to wash it off with the sprinkler, but settled for the hose. I hope it keeps getting warmer, they have been asking constantly if they can get their swimming suits on and run through the sprinklers.


Tina said...

I hear ya! Yea for warm days. I can't wait until its more consistent.

Nat said...

Umm....it is freezing outside! I wish the warm weather would stay! Looks like you guys had fun!