Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm going to get on a soap box today because....well I can he he. I received five or six emails yesterday, some repeats but all doing the same thing. If you do not send this to five people in the next five minutes your five fingers will fall off. Okay so they didn't say that but I was going to have a year of ill health and I could loose someone special to me. I'm sick of emails that say you will loose your hair if you do not forward or if you delete it you'll have gas for a week or something ridiculous like that. One email said that you must fully read it and proceeded to mention that a girl didn't send it to the required five only to four people and her fiance died that day....GIVE ME A BREAK! Okay I'm done. But first you have to copy this and send it to everyone in your address book within the next few hours. If you don't you will start to grow back hair. HA HA HA


Mother of the Wild Boys said...

I despise those horrible emails...a soapbox is deserved for this concern. :)

Kellee said...

AMEN! Joe's family always sends those stupid things. I always delete them even if it says "send this back to me if you love me". I hate chain letters too. I don't see them much anymore, but I did just a year ago. These junk e-mails are the same to me.

Tina said...

What? You don't forward those on?? I am so sorry for you - you are certain to have all kinds of bad luck now. Be careful.

Lol! Kidding. Promise. I hate the things too. Please no one send them to me. I hate junk mail.

Emily said...

Hate them too! I also hate those ones like Bill Gates will send you $100,000 if you send this to ten people. Do you get those ones too?