Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour

Everything has been good this morning....well except waking up to snow and Andrew telling me Luke spit in Jacobs hair while I was in the shower. I got to sleep in and no one woke me up through the night so that was nice. Have you heard about earth hour? I'm excited to observe it tonight. If you don't know what it is you can check this outI think it will be fun to light candles throughout the house and play hide and go seek by candlelight.


Raelynn said...
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Raelynn said...

Great idea! I should have but it on my blog! Thanks i hope people read and follow through! I think that'll be fun, saving the world one light bulb at a time! don't forget today at 8pm for one hour!(this reminder wasn't for you but for me)

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

That's cool, I think we'll do that too. :)

PS-Sorry, I laughed out loud about the spit in the hair! hee hee

dancin' momma said...

I'm excited that you have heard of earth hour as well! We are doing it out here in Iowa and are trying to convince our friend to participate! Yeah for candlelight!

Tina said...

That's neat. I'm sad I missed it. :(