The morning started off okay, but then things started to go downhill when Jacob took the lid off his sippy cup while I was in the shower and spread milk all over the kitchen floor. I guess I should look on the brighter side, at least it wasn't my carpet. To cool down I decided to post....great therapy eh? So your probably wondering why I took a picture of my utensil drawer? I was wondering how a utensil drawer could get so dirty when all your putting in it is clean utensils! It's like the fridge (unless something spills) your just putting closed items in there yet it gets so dirty. Please let me know I'm not alone on this. You too must have dirty utensil drawers right? If you don't, well keep it to yourself or share why yours is clean and why mines not! Better yet....come and clean mine ha ha.
PS I don't know if you can tell it or not in the picture, but there are little pieces of uncooked noodles in there HOW IN THE WORLD DID IT GET IN THERE?
Final Countdown DAY SIX:Packing the Bathroom and Medicine Cabinet
Today I focused on two things.
- First, I gathered, sorted, and packed all of the Bathroom and V...
4 months ago
I just looked at ours, it has some brownie crumbs and a few splatters. How does that happen?
PS-Let me know if you have an Idol party, I'm all for that idea!
I thought it was gum. . . uncooked noodle is SOOO much better. My utensil drawer is just as exciting. I too would like to know how it gets that way. If you figure it out, I'd love to know :)
Well i have to agree with everyone on that. Our utensil drawer has some bread crumb and splatters aswell. The other day i was thinking i should probably clean it out! So thatnks for the reminder. And about how it gets that way i'm stumped. i can guess..... on the counter where the untensil drawer is that's where i have a clear counter top! i always prepare all the meals on that counter, and i need forks and butter knives and i bet that's when all that food gets in there. It's probably on our hands or when we wipe the counter it could slide in if the drawer is not closed all the way? That's my guess... hope it helped?
Sandra, i'm taking you up on the american idol party.. let me know what time cuz i know about what days (tuesday or wednesday at 7) but about dinner than let me know! I'm way excited. see you then.
I have asked myself that same question so many times. It was great to see you on our little break.
I don't even have to open my drawer to know it's there. Our kids must have messier hands than we can keep up with as they're reaching for a utensil. I wonder if it's still be there when they're gone.
My utensil drawer is clean.
Just kidding! :o) I have no idea how it gets like that.
I know why mine gets that way. it is because the cutting board is right above it! There have been many times the kids have pushed it in before I could clean it off. It trulyis annoying.
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