Thursday, March 6, 2008


Last night Danika and I went to the Jazz game. GO JAZZ! They blew the Timberwolves away! We decided that since we had tickets close to the kids birthdays we would take them for some one on one time. Daddy has taken Andrew to one and Luke to a USU game. The picture of her is after the game, I had her change into her pajamas before we headed home. It was nice to spend one on one time with her and thought I would share a conversation we had on the way down.
This started after we saw a canal on the side of the road
Danika: What if a car drove into that?
Me: Well it would crash
Danika: What if a car drove into the ocean?
Me: It would sink
Danika: Would the people die?
Me: Ya if they didn't get out
Danika: Would a whale swallow them?
Me: Uhhh... I guess it could?
Danika: A blue whale is bigger than a regular whale huh?
Me: Uhhh.......

This is the part when I feel dumb and say stuff that sounds good so mommy seems like she knows what she's talking about.

As my kids get older it seems like they ask a lot of questions that I'm not sure of the answer. Like "what does a crab eat?" Those questions require thinking. Anyway at the game we got some popcorn and later got ice cream. Right when the game started Danika got out her notebook. I took a picture of it but if you can't read it this is what it says

WOO! the white team shoot a slam dunk good team alright
boo! the black team shoot can you say boo? Say boo with me now boooo! (I think she's been watching too much Dora)

What an imagination she has. We had a great time and I learned some great things last night:
1. We need to take more Mommy/Daughter dates
2. Its Hilarious to see men who look 75-80 years old dancing on the jumbo tron
3. Playing EYE SPY in the dark is no fun!
4. Having a child belt out "EWWW, that guy is smoking" at a crowded crosswalk is very embarrasing!


Jake, Tayli, Jayli, Kynli & Charli said...

That's was sooooo cute! I loved everything about that entire post. You're such a good mommy! What a fun night.

Tina said...

Her notebook is great! She'd make a great announcer.

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

My kids are asking questions like that too. Maybe it's because I've been doing so much homework lately, but my response is usually, "Let's look it up on Wikipedia." High-Tech Mom :)

Raelynn said...

well i didn't know what crabs ate until the other day when joel said that they eat everything on the bottom of the ocean! gross! and i liked crab, well i still do but maybe i'll think twice about eating it. my kids aren't asking questions they speak a language different than the english language. we call it brakkenneas.